Vehicle Accident Cleanup

Biohazard Vehicle and Accident Cleanups

The sounds and traumas caused by traffic accidents are not unfamiliar to a lot of us, however, the aftermath and cleanup process is new territory. These accidents can cause deaths and major injuries to those involved as well as completely destroy the vehicles. At Bio Clean 911 we have a 24/7 emergency hotline and response team that are ready to clean up all traffic accidents at any hour.

Biohazard Vehicle Cleanup

In accidents where bloodshed is present, it is extremely important to use the proper protocol to clean us the damages. Human blood can carry many infectious diseases including the three most dangerous bloodborne pathogens – HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C. Other dangerous but, less common bloodborne pathogens include Human T-Lymphotropic Virus, Syphilis, and West Nile Virus. 

Thus, when exposed to blood you should always assume the blood is infected, and seek a professional cleanup crew right away.

Biohazard Cleanup Process

Our team at Bio Clean 911 are trained professionals who are certified biohazard cleanup specialists. We have designed a remediation process to adequately clean and remove all harmful substances from the scene.


Our team will prepare and protect themselves with the proper equipment and protective gear. The will wear disposable gloves when cleaning up blood and if there is a possibility of splashing, wear a protective gown in addition to protective eyewear. Prescription glasses, sunglasses, or other fashion glasses are not considered protective eyewear.

Remove and Discard 

We will remove any personal items that can be saved or salvaged from the vehicle. We will also discard any broken glass or other sharp objects using tongs or a brush into a biohazard, puncture-proof container. It’s important not to pick up any of the objects by hand as the objects could puncture gloves or other protective gear. 


We will clean the affected area with disinfectants made specifically for biohazard cleanup. This cleaning will ensure that no biohazardous substance will remain in the vehicle. Our team will also conduct a second check to ensure all substances are completely removed from from the affected areas as well as the rest of the vehicle.

The Traffic Accident Cleanup Process

Asses The Area

The Bio Clean 911 team will arrive on site and conduct a walk-through evaluation of the scene, then we will complete an OSHA safety hazard assessment. 


We will follow OSHA’s reccommendations as set up containment to make sure there is no cross-contamination on the site. 

Biohazard Removal 

We will follow our blood cleanup process to completely remove all blood and other bodily fluid from the scene. This is step is very dangerous, so it’s important to follow the proper protocol to completely remove all traces of biohazardous substances. We will follow the cleanup with another round of disinfecting. 


We will conduct a final test using our specialized equipment to ensure the scene is disinfected and there are no traces of blood or other bodily fluids remain.

Bio Clean 911 Provides Fast Traffic Accident Cleanup to Re-Open the Roadways

Crime scene, natural death, suicide, vehicle accident, and work-related injury cleanup
from the trusted biohazard cleaning company

Our Certifications