Tear Gas Cleanup

What is Tear Gas?

The first forms of tear gases were used in chemical weapons during World War I, and the German troops would use these weapons to attack the British, however, the gas was ineffective and did not serve it’s intended purpose. A couple of years later in 1916, the Germans perfected the gas and used it to attack approaching French troops. For more information about the history of tear gas, click HERE.

Today, there are several different forms of tear gas, the most common are: 

  • Chlorobenzylidene Malononitrile (CS)
  • Chloroacetophenone (CN)
  • Dibenzoxazepine (CR)
  • Oleoresin Capsicum (OC/pepper spray)

The most common form that police officers use is CS, which is technically not a gas. The canisters are usually shot or thrown and they contain a solid material that turns to gas when exposed to air. As the chemical reaction is occurring, the canister will be hot to the touch and will fill the air with the gas.

How Long Does it Take for Tear Gas to Dissipate?

If the tear gas is released in an outdoor setting, it should dissipate in a few hours. However, if the gas is released indoors the residue will remain in the home until the house has been cleaned and remediated.

The Tear Gas Cleanup Process

When cleaning up tear gas, it’s important to know what kind of gas was released so minor adjustments can be made to make the process a bit faster and more efficient. 

  1. The Bio Clean 911 team will arrive at the scene and will put on all protective gear that is necessary – a full-face respirator, gloves, and a protective bodysuit. 
  2. We will remove as much residue as possible from the affected areas with a specialized vacuum. A stand vacuum will allow the gas particles to escape the bag and filter back into the air, thus we will use a HEPA vacuum system to eliminate further contamination. 
  3. Large amounts of water will then be used to flush the gas out of the affected areas. This can contaminate the air, so it’s important to make sure all protective gear is functioning correctly. Next, we will spray a surface cleaner with surfactant onto the affect areas to penetrate the surfaces and deep clean. We will also continue to thoroughly flush the areas with clean water.
  4. Other contaminated surfaces, like furniture, will be moved outside and cleaned using the same process listed above. 
  5. We will finish the cleaning and remediating process by trying the areas and ventilating the house to remove any odors. We will also pray deodorizers for severs odors.

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What to do After a Tear Gas Attack

Immediately following a tear gas attack, you should change and wash your clothes and get as far away from the gas as possible. We suggest going outside and getting some fresh air. Following these steps, call your trusted tear gas cleanup company, Bio Clean 911, we offer a 24 hour emergency hotline and cleanup crew as soon as possible. 

Bio Clean 911 Provides Tear Gas Cleanup to Make the Environment Safe Again

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