Blood Cleanup

Why is it so Dangerous to Clean Blood?

Human blood can carry many infectious diseases including the three most dangerous bloodborne pathogens – HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C. Other dangerous but, less common bloodborne pathogens include Human T-Lymphotropic Virus, Syphilis, and West Nile Virus. 

Thus, when exposed to blood you should always assume the blood is infected, and seek the right cleanup crew right away.

How to Properly Clean up Blood from Hard Surfaces

How to Properly Clean up Blood Spills on Carpeted Surfaces

Bio Clean 911 Provides Blood Cleanup at the Highest Standards

Blood cleanup is best handled by trained professionals who have resources to
adequately sanitize and restore affected areas. We clean up blood on crime scenes,
after suicides and unintended deaths, in hospitals, doctors offices and recreational facilities.

Our Certifications